Thursday 9 April 2015

Marie Antionette [DVD]

Having already discussed the definition of English and French hairstyles within my analysis of the affair of the necklace, I wanted to confirm this further by watching Marie Antionette, made in 2006. As a close friend of Georgiana I was hoping to see another visual alternative of the duchess, however was not able to.
The story of Marie Antoinette concerns the arranged marriage of the 14-year-old titular character (Dunst) of Austria to Prince Louis XVI (Schwartzman) of France to achieve peace between the two nations. After marrying, the French expected Louis and Marie Antoinette to produce an heir to the throne, but as the story unfolds we learn that Louis is not interested in sex, nor could Marie Antoinette seduce him enough to get interested. Louis XVI is a young man who is caught up in his own snobby life with more interest in hunting wild game than women. Queen Marie Antoinette doesn't fit in with the high-class lifestyle that the French royalty follows; she only wants to go to masquerade parties and sleep in each morning. Marie Antoinettetells the often comical and slightly entertaining story of these two together until the queen's eventual beheading.

 images from:

The makeup in this film is much more appropriate to that of the duchess, with the flushed complexion and rouged cheeks. As both films are based on women of aristocracy as such, this is a more applicable vision, than that presented in The Affair of the Necklace, which was loosely based on Antoinette. The hair is no where near as large in the film as I had imagined it to be from visuals of the notorious 'boat hairpiece'. Research into the development of the height of french hairstyles will be an important part of the study as this was almost immediately undertaken by Georgiana before the rest of Britain followed.

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