Saturday 11 April 2015

Interpretations of Love/Lust

Definition of love: a strong feeling of affection.
"babies fill parents with intense feelings of love"

Definition of Lust: strong sexual desire.
"he knew that his lust for her had returned"

Red, the color of blood and fire, is associated with meanings of love, passion, desire, heat, longing, lust, sexuality, sensitivity, romance, joy, strength, leadership, courage, vigor, willpower, rage, anger, danger, malice, wrath, stress, action, vibrance, radiance, and determination.

Both red and pink represent love. The color red represents heat and passion, while the color pink represents romance and charm. Hot pink is used to communicate playfulness, while light pink is used to communicate tenderness.

Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness.

Despite the fact Georgiana was a very lustful menacing woman, she also was very young when she married her Duke. Therefore investigating the colour pink, and how it associates with girls rather than  the intensity of red associated with women, would be an interesting idea to combine with the vision of love. Below are some images from fashion search engine trend hunter, which I have evaluated what messages they are giving off, through semiotic analysis. The images do not relate to the period or concept of my designs in any which way but are solely included for the analytical purpose of colour development;
The image to the left, taken from Latina Magazine in 2015 shows a woman being supported as she leans back onto a males arms. This suggests they are comfortable with each other. This idea is again moulded by the models bare skin being shaded in a mesh suit, covered in blue sequins/stones. This gives her almost a masculine association and makes me almost believe that as a strong woman she has fallen. The makeup is very simplistic yet the application of pink rather than red enables me to believe she is in a state of innocent 'love' rather than fiery 'lust' which red is more likely to represent. The hair is comprised of organic curled shapes, which is set back away from the face draping over the male's hand, making it a more innocent construction of the visual.

The image to the right taken from MAC's 2015 campaign 'Red' is clearly associated with the colour red for obvious marketing reasons, however the set up of the models poise and the set itself apply a more direct association to 'lust'. The set is all red, apart from a cushion, covered in oriental silk patterns, which link with the models ethnicity, and also the hue of red on this cushion pull in to the tone of red around the models eyes which is also identical - almost luring the audience into them. The models positioning ontop of the cushion looking directly into the eyes of the consumer, comfortably, almost makes us viewing the image on edge. The alluring setup as well as the models facial expression make the image seem relatively sinister, combined with the harsh deep red sharp shapes of the models clothing this visual seems far more likely to represent 'Lust' than 'Love'.

The final image analysis, again taken from Trendhunter, uses the 
combination of Red and Black, as well as a natural green backdrop - a colour often associated with red to promote the colour. The model is shaded away from the camera and also from view, almost suggesting danger. Her lips coloured in red tie into the red of the skirt, which also promotes texture to the camera. Again the models eyes are looking directly at the camera, as if to intrude on her space like the image above, and her eyes are a piercing blue. Therefore I believe this image again promotes 'lust' via the sinister yet comfortable look in the models eyes, making the audience feel uncomfortable and intrusive.
This basic study has enabled me to associate the visuals of love and lust further and will be developed more visually as the project goes on.

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