Wednesday 15 April 2015

sourcing models

From initial researching and planning, I have been able to identify the posibility of using 3 different models, regarding the 3 different traits of Georgianas life. I am looking for models that possess the classical english rose look, comprised of pale skin, flush cheeks and possibly prominent lips. Depending on the hair from the models will depend on the style and quantity of wigs made and is subject to change. After extensive advertising and reviewing I have identified 3 models which I believe would be suitable for my project;

Model 1: Emma Fellows, Graduate actor from AUB Alumni 2014. Emma is an accomplished actor and also model, and I believe her complexion along with facial bone structure may allow for her to play the role of a sophisticated yet more stern, political style character, based on Georgianas political life with the Whig party. Currently working in Newbury travel arrangements will have to be made with Emma.

Model 2: Bethan Gurr, currently studying Acting in her final year at AUB is also an accomplished actor and model, confident in front of the camera. She again possesses the English rose reference I am looking for, and I feel could play the Gambler within Georgiana well. Her darker hair (Unfortunately not in the image used) makes me feel comfortable with taking a wig slightly darker on her pale skin, knowing it will not be too harsh and destroy the Classical essence of the visual piece.

Model 3: Lauren Rownley, perhaps the less competent model of the three I have selected, is a final year Illustration student at AUB currently building her modelling portfolio. Lauren is focusing on fashion modelling and is confident in front of the camera. She has a very romantic look about her, potentially due to the headpiece included in the image below, however her complexion and also face shape will work perfectly within the project to represent Georgianas relationships throughout her life, interpreted through hair and makeup.

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