Saturday 11 April 2015

Interpretations of Gambling

Definition of Gambling; take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
"he was gambling on the success of his satellite TV channel"
play games of chance for money; bet.
"he gambles on football"

Black is the absence of color. Black is a mysterious color that is typically associated with the unknown or the negative. The color black represents strength, seriousness, power, and authority. Black is a formal, elegant, and prestigious color. Authoritative and powerful, the color black can evoke strong emotions and too much black can be overwhelming. In the west black also represents death and mourning.

Red is assertive, daring, determined, energetic, powerful, enthusiastic, impulsive, exciting, and aggressive. The color red is linked to the most primitive physical, emotional, and financial needs of survival and self-preservation.

The color gold is the color of extravagance, wealth, riches, and excess, and shares several of the same attributes of the color yellow. The color gold is a warm color that can be either bright and cheerful or somber and traditional. The color gold is cousin to the color yellow and the color brown, and is also associated with illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom.

Gold is definitely the most definitive way to describe Georgianas gambling addiction. She was always seeing gold within her eyes, convincing herself she could keep on winning, but infact kept loosing her wealth! The way in which illumination is associated with gold, and the way she illuminated herself into believing she could keep gambling really reflects on the way in which her life ended and her debts were uncovered. Black also may represent the atmosphere of gambling in the 1700's where it was a very undercover sport as such, and took place behind closed doors amongst close friends and companions only. Below again are some images analysing existing examples of gambling/money etc.

The image above was based around a glamorous yet modern editorial on gambling. The model is wearing prominently red or black on the face, which is the main feature of the image even amongst the bright lights of todays casinos. The hair is set up high, echoing the clenching of the fists and large grin on the models face, representing high spirits. The image is using a colour palette I would expect and do think is potentially a cliche image.

The second image, again very modern, applies a slightly less obvious image of gambling (until you concentrate on the surrounding poker chips) The model is wearing an extravagant yet dark bird feather cape, which almost represents darkness and potentially failure. The gold hue of the image really focuses and brightens up the models face, drawing us there, and a subtle red glare of lipstick is then echoed through the golden glare on the image. Her facial expression represents determination, something I think Georgiana definitely would of also represented at the gambling table.

The final image is drawn from Diors 2012 campaign. The colour palette gold, red and black instantly associates with the properties I have identified for gambling. The way in which she is lying on the floor hand on head, and one on her lip echoes the motion of a loss I believe - almost the self questioning of 'what have i done?'. She looks dazed, looking directly into the cameras eyes as if she is unconscious or a subconscious. The styling and placement of black and red on the face again influences this decision, but I believe the lack of obvious casino or gambling material makes the image a lot more likeable (personal presence) and makes the image a lot more luxurious and sophisticated, a representation of Georgiana I would like to convey through my images. The chequered shapes on her clothing also suggest the connection perhaps with chequers or chess - games which in the 1800's would be an appropriate way to gamble without cards.

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