Friday 17 April 2015

Georgiana's traits: Politics

Research taken from: Amanda Foreman - Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire

Newspapers would often give full detail of what Georgiana wore, her every activity and of her passion for Whig politics.  Like her friend Marie Antoinette had done in France, Georgiana made fashionable in London the completely outrageous three-foot pompadours. With horse hair put beneath her own, Georgiana’s hair was so tall the only way to ride in a carriage was to sit on the floor, quite a feat given her wide skirts. Because of her close friendship with Charles Fox leader of the whig party, there were rumours that he became Georgiana’s lover, but there is no evidence of this, nor is there evidence that she was lover to the Prince of Wales, as was her friend Lady Melbourne, whose son George was said to have been fathered by the prince.Before her time, Georgiana led an arduous door-to-door campaign in the Westminster election of 1784 and is credited with helping Fox and Lord Hood gain victory.  As the opposition party, the Whigs dressed in the blue and buff colors of the American rebels and carried fox tails–a manner of dress Georgiana was only too happy to adopt. Her canvassing resulted in a flagrant political rumors and satirical cartoons that implied she exchanged sexual favors and money for votes.  Despite her mother pleading to quit politics to shield her from public ridicule, Georgiana determined that the Whig’s could not win without her notoriety. Georgiana refused to stay in her carriage, instead walked the streets and faced commoners as an equal.

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