Saturday 4 April 2015

18th Century Society [Research]

To get an idea of the society and British world Georgiana was living in I began to research through history books an idea of Britain through comparing and contrasting ideas. The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain allowed me to envisage the Glorious Revolution of 1688, and how it began in favour of the Whigs before coming a much more torie run affair towards the end

of the century. The century was much more of a palace affair than an era of notable change in the countries development as a whole. The one notable point of the era was that there was a lack of obvious violence in the country. Ladies often partook in activities (see right) in an era where social culture amongst friends was largely more important than work.

The next book 'English Life in the Eighteenth Century' discussed this fashionable social life in further detail, how the higher class was made up of a small circle of families, acquainted through marriage or land sale and ownership. By 1700  this was starting to change with new men such as William Pitt (discussed more in politics post) and other families rising

through success of trading (Pitts father was a diamond trader). Gambling was another largely leisurely activity undertaken by the aristocrats. This and drinking gin went hand in hand for the Dukes, whilst the ladies would dance, perhaps apart from Georgiana who died with 7 million pounds of debt.

The fashionable style of the eighteenth century certainly represents the lifestyle we are lead to believe Georgiana lived. The political and gambling of the higher class is something that as a woman she was privileged to dabble in and the research is a justified reason to back up the selection of my three topic love, politics and gambling to represent the Duchess.

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