Tuesday 24 March 2015

Tutorial with carolyne

A scheduled tutorial with Carolyne was due on friday, and for this I was able to make sure my blog and designs were ready and up to scratch to discuss with her. Being un prepared for tutorials this term has been something I have found hard, as I like to discuss my work and find any developments and criticisms which can be addressed! Within this particular tutorial we discussed the body of work which in general was very positive, before discussing the designs. Carolyne suggested whilst viewing the design for 'love' that the mask placed in the hair could be made out of hair. This is something I am going to look into, however for the masks to look heavily adorned and extravagant, I believe the materials and finish of a mask as it is will be appropriate. I also spoke about colouring the hair, as my model has changed so has the hair I have purchased. Therefore trialling this was suggested, which is something I will be documenting within the log. We also discussed how long I have for dressing the hair, as this is going to be the most important part of the project. I am planning to allow myself a day per wig, with the first wig being the most complex so it will be prepared over half term.
Overall Carolyne was happy with my progress, and other than these suggestions was happy with how the project was developing.


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