Sunday 1 March 2015

Finding a photographer

After initially having photographer Rachael Cameron in place, who I collaborated well with during my Specialist Practise unit, I have now decided to find an alternative photographer. Myself and Rachael work together often, therefore she is already included many times within my portfolio. I wanted to use a photographer with slightly alternative style, who is confident within the studios at AUB. I have chosen to work with Kate Davis, who I have also worked with this term to enhance my portfolio. She is confident within the studio and although is a Level 5, she is an accomplished photographer who I have full confidence in and believe will be able to deliver the style of photography I am looking for.

As I am also looking to restyle the same wig three times, I am now also looking to shoot the project over three days, rather than the one initially. Therefore myself and Kate are already looking into studio availability, as I am aware the Level 6 photography deadline is close to ours and this makes studio slots tight. Below is the image I am looking to base my project on as a very initial composition (minus males hand position), in a high fashion risqué form.

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