Tuesday 10 March 2015

Changing the Project Direction

As the project is developing I am finding that changing the project to become more appropriate to the avant garde theme would be beneficial.

After conducting historical research into the era, and considering avant garde interpretations whilst analysing the skills needed from this unit, instead of creating three alternate hairpieces dressed to relate to each individual aspect of Georgiana's life (Love, Politics and Gambling) creating one large structure, to be redressed intricately on three separate occasions would be a beneficial way of showing the skills in hair dressing, whilst meeting a more contemporary avant garde theme. As I have already made the half wig, this is something which I would not like to go unused, therefore the potential for a male to wear the wig as an icon relevant within Georgiana's life at each of the three aspects would allow a more authentic male dressing of the hair.

I will discuss this change in direction and potentially brief with my tutor before continuing and developing this idea. The project so far has been very undefined to which direction I will focus on, however I believe combining the avant garde and authentic themes through two characters with intricate dressing will be a rewarding appropriate outcome for the project.

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