After purchasing the human hair I was then able to start knotting into the half wig. The hair came in 3 shades, shade 8 (x2) shade 6 (x1) and shade 6/22 (x1) These light and dark browns will enable me to create a natural looking multi tonal wig, which will match the colour of my models hair accurately.
I initially have found knotting the human hair hard, as the knots have to be very tight or the hair will simply slide out, however I have now corrected my technique, began knotting tighter and been able to build a good amount of hair into the wig. I am happy I chose human hair as the quality and finish is already so much more noticeable than that of human hair!

I have found whilst knotting that finding partings in the hair that naturally form require me to go back and 'fill' the net with extra knotting. The process has taken me a week longer than expected and I believe this is due to the nature of the hair texture and knotting of the human hair. I am pleased with the outcome especially with the hair match of Lauren's hair which is almost seamless!

I am now looking to test the hair with heat (which obviously being human hair should not be a problem) before setting into the required 18th century style.
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