Tuesday 31 March 2015

Georgian Architecture - Bath Research Trip

 After reading more into the making of the town of bath and its roman and georgian roots, I wanted to visit the city to see the scale and detail of the architecture that was created during Gerogianas time.
Georgiana was known to have lived in Bath when her name was tarred by her involvement in campaigning for the Whigs. She is said to have lived at 2 Laura Place - which is a quiet location, and a house unassociated with Georgiana in 2015.

 The crescent is one of the most extravagant buildings in the country, let alone Bath itself. Made from Bath stone and shaped into a semi circle, the town houses look over the Georgian gardens just outside the centre of bath.

A road down from the Crescent is the Circus, a large circle of houses, split by a small roundabout and roads. Once all town houses these are now mainly split into flats.

Inside the Assembly rooms where the Bath Costume and Fashion museum is located (see separate post) the extravagant Rococo style carvings around the wall as well as the mirror above the mantle piece echo the Georgian architecture inside as well as outside.

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