Sunday 8 March 2015

18th Century Avant Garde Male Inspiration

As discussed in the post regarding a change in direction with the project, there now is potential for the half wig created for the project to be worn by a male counterpart to the Georgiana inspired female character. The hair will be authentic to period, however the makeup will draw in a more avant garde theme, appropriate to the style of the female character, drawing the characters and concept together.
Using colour on the face is a concept I would like to investigate into. This is something that will need to be considered after styling the piece, and also dependant on which of Georgianas life aspects I choose to focus on at one time. Smaller more intimate lines can work as a more linear form of the avant garde movement, as well as heavy contouring. These ideas will be discussed and developed as the project continues further into the more avant garde feel it has taken.

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