Wednesday 11 March 2015

Stage Review 1

As I discovered in Specialist Practise, reflecting upon my work through stage reviews is an integral part of the learning and self reflection process.
Through Major Project so far, I have been finding it hard to develop a clear idea of the concept I am trying to achieve, and am finding for the first time my idea are consistently changing and developing.
As I am approaching the intense initial research sector of the project, I am looking to reference 18th century and Georgiana's life, however keep the project very modern avant-garde meets rococo. I am concerned there are a lot of movement inputs with this, however feel this is important to research and contain, executing it in a justified manner appropriate to the project outcome.

Another concept I am looking to develop is creating a cage wig, restyling in intricate manner, appropriate to each individual look regarding Georgiana's life (love politics gambling). This would mean the half wig I have created would not be included, however bringing another character into the project, potentially a male and working with the half wig could work.
If a male was to be included, styling the wig in a more era appropriate manner would contrast the extremely avant-garde outcome of the large cage wig would show a display of skill and historical referencing and is something to be considered. Colouring the hair is also something I could adapt and is one of the ways to utilise the human hair purchased!

My model has given me some concerns. I was quick to rush into casting a model, who I have now matched the half wig to, however with the ability to dye and adapt this hair, I am potentially able to recast my model. My main concerns about her are that she does not have previous modelling experience, and the more I delve into the character and life of Georgiana the more my model seems too innocent and is not how I visualise the Georgiana character. Whilst working on photoshoots outside of the MP unit, I have been able to identify some models more appropriate to the project casting.

My next steps to continue with the project will now be;

- consider new female model
- consider the idea of a male model
- consider the single cage styling idea.
- complete extensive 18th century research
- create avant garde moodboards
- discuss concept with stylist
- discuss with photographer

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