Saturday 21 March 2015

Human hair Properties/Varieties

 Types of hair can vary greatly and often dictate the project outcome and styling limitations. The wig making and styling book provides a brief outline onto the qualities as well as benefits and issues that arise using different hair types. After using synthetic hair within the last two of my projects I have first hand been able to work with the quality of synthetic hair. Sourcing colours in synthetic hair is a lot easier, especially for fantasy colours, however styling limitation does apply. Not using heat on hair has unfortunately impacted on my marks in the past and this is why I have chosen human hair. Human hair can be heat styled as normal, and although it is not available in as many shades, it is able to be dyed. In todays market hair dye is available in such a wide variety, even in fantasy colours. This is something to consider when working with the hair.
Protein hair is now widely available on the market, a man made fibre which can tolerate heat to some level. This is now under the umbrella of synthetic hair, again available in many different shades. Animal hair is also used for specific purposes. Yak hair grows long and in a course texture, ideal for creating a wig that needs texture and body, but does not need to be successfully heat styled. Angora hair also can be used without the need to heat style. This is much softer in texture but does not have the length of any other hair types listed.

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