Wednesday 4 February 2015

Stage review 3

Since the last stage review, my project has now approached the deadline even further. I have managed to book out the studios for my final shoots alongside my photographer. We opted for the 13th 14th and 15th of April from 4:30 until 8:30pm. This now will require me to draw up a schedule of the evenings and how I will allow myself enough time to style both wigs and dress the studio for shooting.
I also have completed the first two wig styles, which is something I am pleased to have finished with time to spare. I have had to re set the cage wig three times until it looked how I wanted it - trialling the wig has become key to the success of the final outcome. I have also coloured wefts on this wig and also the half wig to match my models hair. This was something that I was nervous to complete, however it worked very well and the outcome is something I am proud of.
I am now working to complete the makeup designs to a high standard, trialling these within the half term break.

Over the coming weekend I will be meeting with my model to trial the wig on her head again before the shoots begin, and also trialling the clothes on her. Tomorrow (april 9th) I will be going to the costume store I have been in contact with, alongside my male model to try an authentic 18th century costume for hire.

I am now in the process of looking for accessories for the photoshoot such as organza to decorate the feature chair which will be a focus of the photoshoots, as well as accessories for each shoot appropriate to the individual theme.

The project is very fast paced at the moment, and I am now looking forward to realising my visions of the project in the coming week.

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