Saturday 28 February 2015

Stage Review 2

After changing my project direction, I feel more comfortable and enthusiastic about where my project is going, in terms of practical work and meeting my brief.

One of the issues I have from making this decision, is that instead of making three hair pieces for the project, I will now only be making two, going against my brief. I also will have to re work the half wig into my new male models hair, which will require hair colouring and also trials to examine the fit of the wig. I am happy with my cage which has been completed this week, and the shape I have achieved is much more advanced yet precise than I had thought, however this showcases my ability to use the spot welder to do this. The hair design process is also near completion, and now I will be moving onto makeup design, looking into the makeup inspirations and realisations of this.

My next steps now will be to;

Work with my photographer to book the studios (week beginning 13th april)
Work with a stylist to realise my styling needs.
Work with my models to trial the hair and wig fitting.
Design the makeups for each look, and trial these.
Style both wigs ready for the first photoshoot.
Plan what materials and equipment will feature in the shoot.

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